Criminal Elements

Sanguinem Harena


Amber | Desert Sands | Honey 

This powdery delight was conceived in 2016, shortly after a period of time spent stranded in a bus in the remote Victorian desert. 'Sanguinem Harena', loosely translates from Latin (blood and sand), and it was these two which defined the journey; a back-breaking road built over three days from branches and bark the only path to freedom. It wasn’t all work and no play; the exploration of the area later serving as inspiration for the fragrance.

The calculated resin structure exhibits the dry soapiness of the desert flora and the saltiness of the scorched earth in the opening, while later in the drydown, as the sun dips below the horizon, a delicate earthiness unfolds with notes of tobacco, vanilla and labdanum. The EDP version on offer here is a slightly more refined and approachable version of the original wrist-staining untamed beast. -Corey.

Notes: Amber, Tobacco, Honey, Vanilla, Labdanum


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