Oriza L. Legrand
House Oriza L. Legrand was, in the XIX century, appointed and patented supplier of the largest foreign courts (Russia, Italy, England) and provides the Court of France until Napoleon III.
The name of the perfume House is the combination of two names: Maison Oriza and L. Legrand. Maison Oriza was founded by the famous royal perfumer Fargeon the Elder in 1720. The Fargeon family remained prominent right up to the reign of Louis XVI, when they enjoyed the special favour of Queen Marie-Antoinette, known for her highly refined tastes.
The name Oriza refers to creams and powders made from rice (Oriza Sativa refers to the cultivated species of rice and includes many varieties).
The Revolution came and went and the old Fargeon House remains standing and henceforth provides the Emperor Napoleon 1st and the Empress Josephine and the Emperor Napoleon III.
From 1811, Mr. Louis Legrand became sole owner of the House and installs the Perfumery Oriza at the 207 rue Saint-Honoré in Paris. He runs the House for many years and steadily expands its reputation. The Oriza House will then become known as Oriza L. Legrand. Antonin Raynaud, his shareholder, became his successor in 1860. Wishing to perpetuate the prestige of this rich House, he installs the very first perfume steam plant in Levallois-Perret.
Antonin Raynaud offers to L. Legrand House its finest titles of nobility by the creation of its Perfumery Oriza, which launched a revolution in the fragrance industry.
During this second half of the 19th century, the Oriza L. Legrand factory was an economic and social model of its kind and at centre-stage in the rise of the modern perfume industry.
The Paris World Fair of 1900 consecrated two centuries of savoir-faire and industrial innovation by awarding its First Prize (Grand Prix) to Oriza L. Legrand, allowing it to enter the new century in grand style.
Its creativity, its avant-garde vision and the incredible quality of its compositions allow Oriza L. Legrand to be considered for almost three centuries as one of the most prestigious Houses of History.

Violettes du Czar

Royal Oeillet

Oeillet Louis XV

Villa Lympia